Finally, the Solution to High Crime and Soaring Taxes…You.

Get in the Game and Become a Precinct Committeeman

Did you know that only half of the world’s population would be considered citizens of their country? As citizens, we can vote on our laws, and how they are enforced, as well as our economic, social, and political structures. Still, one vote doesn’t seem to be enough to turn anything around. However, there is a way to boost your vote without breaking election laws or committing voter fraud. It is becoming a precinct committeeman.

What Does a Precinct Committeeman Do?

A Republican precinct committeeman, or PC, works to help Republican candidates win elections. At the heart of it, PCs get to know candidates at monthly meetings by listening to their platform and asking questions. In turn, PCs go door to door to their precinct and educate the voters on candidates they feel comfortable recommending. The PC is in charge of their precinct. So they can promote the candidates they think are best for our community.

Other duties include poll watching, registering voters, and helping candidates get on ballots by collecting voter signatures on petitions.

Door-to-door? Really?

Going door-to-door might seem old-fashioned, given this digital age, but it is the most powerful way to get voter turnout. In fact, President Obama used the precinct strategy to win his first presidential election, making sure every slot was full across the country. Imagine if every Republican precinct in Downers Grove Township was filled with an active precinct committeeperson? Good candidates mean good public policies. And good candidates can’t win without active precinct committeemen.

Does a Precinct Committeeman Get Paid?

In a word, no. But, PCs get a front-row seat to the political process. They meet interesting people, influence their precinct, and strengthen their community. Elected precinct committeemen vote for local and state party leaders like County Republican Chairman and the Republican State Central Committeeman. They also vote for candidates to fill vacancies on the ballot for County Board.

How to Become a Precinct Committeeman?

We are SO glad you asked. If you live in a precinct without a committeeman, you can get elected to be a PC. Don’t let an election scare you. At this level, it’s an easy process and we can help. Contact us to learn more.

Who is my Precinct Committeeman?

Just go here to look up to see who is your precinct committeeman. Click on the “District Search” tab, and follow the directions. If you want to become a PC but live in a precinct with a committeeman, the township organization can appoint you to another precinct.

Be in the Room Where it Happens

Our country is declining because we all took the gift of citizenship for granted. Now is not the time to look away and hope for the best. We all need to get involved to turn this country around. The solution to high crime and soaring taxes is all of us working together to elect solid Republican candidates. Join us!

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