Early Voting is the Key to Winning

If Republicans do not embrace early voting we will not win future elections, period.

During the 2022 midterm elections, I had a chance to learn about the new voting system in DuPage County by becoming an Election Judge. I worked both early voting and day of voting. From this experience, my perspective on early voting changed.

Your vote counts just as much as day of voting.

Before, I always thought that by voting on the traditional day of voting that my vote, somehow, was more secure. But now that I've seen the behind-the-scenes, I think maybe my vote is more secure with early voting.

Election judges work in short shifts with early voting, making the judges more alert. Because the crowds are thinner during early voting, judges have more time to think through procedures or ask if they don’t know how to solve inevitable problems. Whereas on election day, shifts are not allowed, lines are much longer, the pace to process voters is much faster, and judges are there all day. Just think, if you come in to vote at 2 pm on election day, the judges just worked an 8-hour shift. They are looking at another 7 hours to go.

  1. If a problem with voting comes up, there is time to fix it.

Did you know that if you are registered to vote in DuPage County, you can go to any voting location? How is this possible? With the new system, election judges search a database for voters voting information and signature on file. Unfortunately, with technology, anything can go wrong. If there is an error in the system, there is time to correct it before it's too late. Better to be early than sorry.

2. Skip the long lines and vote early.

Let's face it: lines for election day will be much longer. Given that times are tougher, every election is critical. Additionally, laser printers print each ballot instead of pre-printed ballots. Think of each voter waiting for their ballot to print out during a presidential election. Further, voters need to use a ballpoint pen instead of a felt tip marker to color in their selections. (Felt tip will bleed through the laser paper.) Combining all three factors means long lines on election day are inescapable.

3. All Campaigns (even Republican) love early voting.

Early voters skip out on robocalling, flyers, and mailers. Why? All campaigns can determine if voters voted by contacting the County for that information. Early voters save candidates money because campaigns won't waste expensive advertising on them. Instead, campaigns target those who are still deciding or have not voted. Even though a campaign doesn't know who you voted for, they can project, which helps them strategize more efficiently for the rest of the election. It's easier to target swing voters if they have the money. So if you save your vote for election day, you force campaigns to needlessly spend money on you when they could be reaching undecided voters instead.

4. A case for mail-in ballots

In the past, Republicans have been dead set against mail-in ballots, with good reason. But mail-in ballots are here to stay, at least for now. It is best to use them to a winning advantage. How? By reaching voters who can’t make it to the polls or those with a low probability of voting in the first place. These voters are an untapped source that is crucial for Republicans to reach if they want to win future elections.

Also, a voter can fill out their ballot at home and drop it off in person at the polls early or on election day. Or, they can authorize someone to drop off their ballot at the polls for them. The County receives these mail-ins along with the rest of the in-person votes.

In conclusion, it will be challenging to vote in the future because of the new, slower voting system. So skip the frustration, and long lines, help your favorite candidates, and consider voting early. And if you or someone you know can't make it to the polls, mail in your ballot or arrange to have it dropped off at a polling location—every ballot counts.

Need a mail-in ballot, go here to request one. Just remember, this is a Permanent Vote By Mail Program. Once you sign up, you will receive a Vote By Mail ballot for all future elections.

If you have more questions about voting, we are here to help. Don't hesitate to contact us.


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